Thanks Tom. I am very happy that I was able to order the chute at the show. I spoke to two of my aerobatic pilot friends at the show, one has a Butler and the other wishes he did. They both told me that Butler is the best.
I received the second parachute and have installed both of them in my T-34A Mentor. They are amazing! The fit is incredible. They slid right into the pan and gave the custom fit your brochure promised! The colors are phenomenal. I had no idea how much work went into the production until I took a good look at the stitching. What quality! Comfortable, simple to strap into, you guys deserve your reputation as the best! Thank you!
Just flew with my new parachute for the first time. It fits perfect and looks great. Thanks for all your help, I’m very happy with it and feel safer flying with it.
Chute got here Thursday, tried it out over the weekend in the Starduster, fits great! More comfortable than the cushion I had been using.
Just got back from the UK. The chutes were waiting for me when I got there. Gorgeous, GORGEOUS rigs. Thank you once again. Like I said… hope I never have to use them. Fabulous work as always.
Everyone is quick to complain, but you never hear from them when you do a job well done. The chute turned out perfect. It was worth the wait. I can’t even tell I have it on in the Extra. You and your team know your business and customer satisfaction. I will be going to the Nationals in two weeks and then Sebring. You can bet that I am going to show it off to everyone in the aerobatic circle. I have owned and used about every type of chute available in the 17 aerobatic aircraft that I have owned over the last 25 years and your chutes are by far the best.
“I am proudly saying that I was saved by your equipment last Saturday. I was in a practicing session with my Extra 230, when I decided to train my free advanced sequence… Usually, I get to around Vne 250 mph to have plenty of energy to perform the sequence, but in this dive the airspeed overshoot by approximately 10 mph of the airplanes limit. I leveled the airplane and push briefly the stick to mark the level flight. After this, I felt a roughness in the stick, which became a strong vibration. At this time I looked to my left wing and saw the airplane being ripped off from the wing… Immediately I pulled the ripcord and the chute deployment was totally successful…I was around 1000 feet from the ground and the touch with the ground was noticeably soft. At the ground, I could hardly believe that I was totally uninjured… Finally, I will always emphasize the quality and performance of the Butler parachute, which was remarkable. I would really like to thank you.”
On January 9, 1998, the pilots of the Global Hilton hot air balloon, Dick Rutan and Dave Melton, parachuted to the ground after a technical problem caused a rupture of the balloon.
“I wanted to call Manley and tell him thank you for an outstanding parachute. On behalf of myself and Dave Melton, good job guy. You ought to be proud of yourself, and you saved our butts. Dave has a landing injury; he landed in about 25 knot wind and hit a fence post and the only thing I hit was a cactus that I’m still picking out of my face and arms and a**, but other than that I’m in good shape. Thanks for the parachute, it worked outstanding.”
Crew Emergency and Evacuation Testing
Butler Parachute Systems is proud to support Bombardier Aerospace Flight Test Crews.
Two members of the 193rd Special Operations Support Sq.’s aircrew flight equipement shop prepare a new parachute pack for packing. The Wing has received over 100 new packs that will be integrated in to replace older technology.
Video by Master Sgt. Matt Schwartz
“The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.”